Supernatural Advantage
When you are in a fix, think supernatural. Do not fidget or deploy human wisdom; think supernatural. I received a panic message from my sister after teaching my class; it was really late into the night. She works with a company with a national and international reputation. She attended to a client, and there was a mistake. The staff were stretched after working the whole day and late into the night; it was the last batch of clients for the night. The client took offence; he got angry and threatened fire and brimstone. Of course, he would be stressed too; everyone wants to finish the business of the day and get to their destination in time for rest. It is a sensitive industry that the upper middle class and the upper class patronize, so all services must be done with the utmost professionalism.
He demanded her details, snapped her, and took a shot of her ID card. He was to post her on social media, tagging her company. If that is done, it is an industry that X folks drag in the mud steadily, and it will only justify the consistent complaints about the industry. It was really bad, and she got worried; she sent me a personal message. As she was typing, the Holy Spirit said, Call her. I called her immediately and asked what happened; she explained, and I said, Let us pray. After she attended to the people in her presence, I gave the instructions. Pray in tongues for one minute, and you will blow an air, and that is all. I had no premonition of what I was about to say; I just said it. I timed the prayer, and when it was a minute, I said, “Blow the air.” Immediately, she did, and she got caught up in the anointing. I started hearing her groan and vibrate. She could not get hold of herself. I called her name, but it was the sound of vibration I was hearing. I did not want anyone recording her and making a scene; it was a place where ‘tush’ people flock, and they could turn the place into a drama scene. I called her name again, and I told her to start walking away from her office if she could hear me. She started walking away. She was laughing uncontrollably. She went back and managed to finish her work.
That was it. The memory of that event was erased completely from his mind.
When you think supernaturally, you get many things done by the power of the Holy Spirit. Remember this: You are always at an advantage. The Presence of the Holy One in you is an advantage you have.
This week, I will be sharing more about this reality of the life of Christ in you. How saints have supplanted physical events with the power of the Holy Spirit. If you have a supernatural story to share with other believers and the world, kindly send me a DM.
I Love You
Paul Ademujimi