She is his dream woman.
Full of energy and Hard-working.
She knows her onion
She has her desired destination mapped out mentally
She is just working out her plans to get to the destination.
She loves real estate and design
She will set up numerous estates across multiple countries
She is a doctor too.
He is also a believer.
Full of Energy and Life.
Purposeful and Full of Vision.
He is building 7 high impacts projects.
That is how purposeful he is living.
He has his future mapped out too.
He wants to be one who can influence generations in all facets of life.
He has his finance well planned too.
He wants to be a minister and business mogul.
He has lived his life serving others.
This is what he will do for the rest of his life.
He wants something big and it will outlive him.
He wants to leave a legacy behind.
Her last relationship ended some months ago.
The guy meant a lot to her.
She had all her plans poured into the relationship.
She didn’t want it to end
The guy wanted it.
It was tough for her to handle.
In the middle of the chaos
She met the Holy Spirit
He became her newfound love.
She is focused on her growth with Him.
He was also in a serious relationship
He wanted it to lead to marriage
But they started having issues and they could not handle it well.
He spoke to the Holy Spirit
He told Him the red flags were too much to handle
He ended it. It was a mess.
The lady fought tooth and nail.
Her antics haunted him but he made his resolve.
He kept on praying for her.
A week later, the Holy Spirit showed him a vision
He knew what he meant; it was a reality he wanted to avoid.
He stopped talking to the Holy Spirit about relationship
It amazed him he could see such a vision.
He loves her.
He knew she is the one.
He wanted to face the reality he had been avoiding.
He stretched out the hand of love.
She told him to wait.
She gave a few excuses.
The waiting was a crazy moment for him at first.
He really loved her.
She knows it too.
But he spoke to the Holy Spirit
He sorted it within and can perfectly manage the waiting…
She wants to live outside the country.
And build her life from wherever she settles.
She didn’t want her plans tied to a relationship again especially after the last experience.
She wants to enjoy singlehood and experience what it means to live without being in a relationship.
The last relationship lasted for over 4 years.
He is open to living in any part of the world as long as the Holy Spirit gives a go-ahead.
The Spirit orders A Christian life.
However, he will have a chain of businesses in his home country.
He is setting up his team.
One of them is undergoing training he paid for.
He has big plans for Africa.
He told her she can live her desired life.
Marriage inspires you to fulfil your purpose not to tie you down.
However, you work out how to meet each other needs.
He is patient.
He will wait for love.
He understands her.
He is ready to give what it takes except she says stop.
The thought of her is a surreal experience for him.
He has imagined life with her in any part of the world.
Each time his thoughts flow to her,
He sees the one he loves, the one with whom he wants to spend the rest of his days.
After weeks of waiting,
They discussed
After back and forth, she said no.
She gave reasons.
He loved her but was well prepared for any answer.
He went back to the Holy Spirit,
He reminded Him about the vision.
The Holy Spirit told him some things,
He told the Holy Spirit he was moving on.
PS: Remember, it takes two to agree. In most cases, the Holy Spirit will not usurp people’s will, He can only draw them. If one who is to fulfil a prophecy does not yield, He will bring another.
Happy Valentine to all singles out there.