Looking Forward
Something interesting happened in the first quarter of this year that affected my confidence. Later in July, I was in fellowship with my siblings when I was taken to a mountain. It was a Mareh vision. I found myself in iced mountains; it was all white with dashes of blue. I had been seeing these mountains in my peripheral vision for a few weeks, but I never saw myself walking in them, nor did I feel their impact physically. But it was different this time. I was in the mountains; they were huge, and I couldn’t count them all. ‘’I was alone’’.
Physically, I could not stand on my feet; I was before Him, and all I could say was Holy, Holy, Holy. He was there sitting in His Glory with certain beings before Him. Immediately I had a chilling cold, a kind of cold that could break my bones. I was shivering and lying down flat at this same moment. I wore extra clothes; I covered myself with a scarf; nothing helped. I wanted to stand, but I couldn’t stand; my body was electrified and cold, and my bones were crushing. I was vibrating and shivering at the same time. I could not control my emotions; water was streaming down my face. As I beheld Him, I started muttering words; some I understood, others I could not comprehend. I found myself telling Him that I gave Him all and I was holding nothing back. I have said those words before but this time it was different. I can’t explain why it was so. I told Him I love Him so much and I said it over and over again. I told Him He could have all I have and nothing belongs to me. As I am typing this right now, I have this whole glory all over me.
It was a come-up hither moment. In a separate vision in the same sequence, I saw many things I could not believe would happen. As I kept my gaze, I asked Him, How would this happen? He said to me, ‘’All things are yours, Paul.’’ He said it once, and I keep hearing that statement even now. Anytime you see me post that statement, it is from the revelation of that vision beyond what I read in the letters. It was as if that word was what physical events were waiting for. Everything that came into my life from that moment till now, I never opened my mouth to ask for; they came to me on their own accord. It was a bit strange, but those series of visions reconfigured my mind and heart. My confidence took a great leap. I grew in faith.
From that vision, it was a new level of the supernatural. In the coming months, I will be sharing more of these events that climaxed weeks and months later, even till this moment. There are times I am walking on the road, and it will be as if I am walking in a body of water. I would literally feel my trousers wet, and my flesh cold, but my trousers are not wet, nor is my flesh cold. I would have forgotten this reality and started checking myself and how I came in touch with lots of water, and then I would remember that I have come into Zion, the place of His Glory. The Place of His Strength. The place where we walk in the majesty of His splendour with Him.
I teach Christ, His nature and the reality of His Glory in Meno School of the Spirit. You can join the next class starting January 15 via this link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/HPacjKiiHFm7W4GhJ0zciK
These pictures are the beautiful memories I shared this year with my siblings all over the world. I love you, all. If we take a shot together and it is not here, I am so sorry.
PS: Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
I love you.
Paul Ademujimi