
Paul Shomer Ademujimi
4 min readMar 16, 2023


Recently, I watched a video of Pastor Kumuyi telling the congregation about his secret to miracles, signs, and wonders. I have shared here how the man of God stirred my spirit toward the supernatural, and I have not looked back since.

Immediately after he got born again, he wanted to reach people, and save souls. He was a lecturer and had a small Bible study group on campus. He would teach the people weekly. Then he had a desire for people to be healed, and he came across a book titled ‘’How to Heal the Sick” by TL Osborn. He bought the book and started reading. He made his note, marking important points. The book was worn out, so he bought another one. The second became tattered and bought a third. He repeated this routine, and he could not count how many times he read that book. He just kept on feasting on the book.

One day, he was walking on campus when someone called him and greeted him. He asked him if he knew him, and the guy responded that he was at the Bible Study last week, but it did not end there. The guy was very sick, but as Pastor Kumuyi was teaching, the disease left. No one prayed for him, nor was his case mentioned. Pastor Kumuyi was delighted, and he asked the guy to share it again. That was his first miracle.

Pastor Kumuyi went on to share about the crusade they had in Lagos. He said prior to that meeting, he picked up two tapes from Morris Curello, and for over a week prior to that meeting or thereabout, he listened to them day and night, he would sleep listening to them and wake up listening to them. The tape was on repeat 24/7. He went for the crusade, and after preaching, he prayed that people be healed. As he was declaring over the people, a woman in the choir stand started shouting, her son was born boneless in one of his legs, one leg had a bone, and the other was just flesh with blood running there, so he could not walk. As the man of God was praying, an angel constructed a bone on that baby’s leg right there.

Let me share the principle at work here: Ephesians 1:15–21: ‘Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge (Epignosis) of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.’ The word gnosis means knowledge, it is general knowledge and intelligence, but the Bible talked about another kind of knowledge, it is called ‘’Epignosis’’, it is accurate and precise knowledge, so when the Bible talks about Epignosis of God, it means the accurate and precise knowledge of God. The Bible calls Jesus the express image of the Father. No one has seen God at any time, only the Son. Jesus said "As I see My Father do, so I do. I do nothing of myself’’. The inheritance of the saints is in Christ. Christ is our theology and message, He is the image we are all being built into until we become the fullness of God experientially. He is the fullness of the Father. Epignosis means the knowledge of Christ. To understand God, understand Christ. As you grow into Christ, you are growing into the fullness of God. Christ is theology. The Scriptures say we behold Him as in a mirror, and we are changed from glory to glory. Whom are we beholding? Christ.

You will become what you behold. You will birth the realities you behold in your heart and spirit. That was what happened in the story above. The teachings were talking about healing and he kept on feeding his heart and spirit with those supernatural messages. The same thing happens to you if you behold Christ like that daily. Those that know their God shall do exploits the scripture says, what do you do to know God? Know and understand Christ. This is Epignosis. Do not grow in demonic knowledge and works of darkness.

When we were young, my local church then would bring ‘’prophets’’ with demonic and occultic backgrounds whom we feed us with realities of his exploits in darkness and their operations. We used them for prayer points, sweating all through the night. It is a vain exercise. It imprints in the hearts of the saints demonic realities, fears and it is poisonous information for the saints. Jesus said to be careful that the light in you is not darkness. If you were raised with the consciousness of darkness, you have to unlearn it and learn Epignosis. Through Epignosis, you will live a transcendent life. Stop those prayers. You have no business with evil altars, demonic portals, and glory stealers… they are lies and poison to the life of Christ in you. Those who know their God (not those who know demons) will do exploits. Grow in Epignosis daily. Think Christ. Speak Christ. Do Christ. Live Christ. When you focus on Him, His reality becomes yours. Again, you become what you see.

I love you.
Paul Ademujimi



Paul Shomer Ademujimi
Paul Shomer Ademujimi

Written by Paul Shomer Ademujimi

Homo Christus | i Teach, Write and Live the Gospel | Children and Teenagers | Founder, Anil Farms | Christ wing | Meno | +2348037714863 (WhatsApp only)

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