
Paul Shomer Ademujimi
3 min readJul 24, 2023


She was in a queue at a bank when she saw the prophecy, and immediately after she saw it, her private part started burning and she felt like pulling her clothes off, she was experiencing strange movements in her body, like some things pushing themselves out in large numbers. She became extremely uncomfortable standing in the queue. She had to dash into the bank’s restroom so as to check herself. When she pulled off her clothes, ants moved out of her private part. The prophecy was on the Meno School of the Spirit platform, Paul was going about his day and praying in tongues when he saw the strange sight, he dropped a prophecy immediately, ‘’There is someone here, a strange object will come out of your right body now’’.

A few months earlier, she had reached out to Paul for prayers, from debts to dangerous habits to family issues and career issues. They prayed in the Holy Ghost together and told her to join the school of the Spirit and live what is being taught. In a short while, she started noticing drastic changes, sex addiction stopped, the word of God and the Spirit reset her body. She continued growing in Zoe and would frequently send me the workings of the power of the Holy Spirit in her. At a time, she noticed an allergy she’s had from age 3 disappear, just like that. There was a kidney-related issue, test upon test was done, she met specialists, Paul told her it will be fine, sickness cannot take residence in a body the Holy Ghost is filling. The symptoms disappeared, and the tests revealed nothing. This is a Son, devil you had nothing on Jesus, you will never have anything on her, she is born of God and she overcame the world with Christ.

One day, she was in a worship session with some friends, and suddenly the physical was suspended, she gained ascension, the mareh was superimposed on the physical elements. She saw a very bright light, then a throne and One on it. She started rejoicing, it lasted for some seconds, she sent me a DM immediately, ‘’I just saw the Lord’’ she says. She became somewhat one to whom you can send a request and she will pray and miracles will happen. Her friends reached out to her for prayers, she led prayer meetings and fire will pour.

Some weeks later, she got a job offer from a multinational company, during the interview, they were glitches, she reached out, Paul told her it will be resolved and everything will be fine. They made her an offer, a great offer, she wouldn’t believe how Zoe is at work in her and setting her course right. Her former workplace protested because of debt, we prayed. Paul reached out to professionals who could counsel, but it seems man could not solve this. Then, Paul switched back to the supernatural, we are not at a disadvantage. Surprisingly, the new company rose to her defence; it was the last thing we expected. Normally, they should rescind the offer they made to her, more so, the former company are rival in the industry, and they would want to avoid a fight. They negotiated a settlement, which will be done over the coming months. Wow. Oh the power of the gospel, He will bring you out of the miry clay and set your feet upon the Rock. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is emancipation. Life had become unbearable for her at a point, one day she started walking out of her house to the unknown, she wanted to commit suicide, Paul was the last person she would call, Paul was on his farm working when she picked up her call, he spoke to her and got a brother on it too, she returned home and had peace again and just a few months down the line, the One who is her glory and the lifter of her head did exactly just that. From obscurity to the palace, this is the gospel at work. This is liberty, this is emancipation.

Thank you, Sweet Holy Spirit.

Tonight, Meno Foundational Class will resume a new session,
It is a 5-week class that will teach you biblical truths about your reality in Jesus Christ and help you live a transformed life through the power of the Holy Spirit at work in you.

Kindly join via this link: https://t.me/assemblyofsaint

I love you,
Paul Ademujimi.



Paul Shomer Ademujimi
Paul Shomer Ademujimi

Written by Paul Shomer Ademujimi

Homo Christus | i Teach, Write and Live the Gospel | Children and Teenagers | Founder, Anil Farms | Christ wing | Meno | +2348037714863 (WhatsApp only)

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