Children and Sex Education
Parents should be proactive and should not leave certain things to chance. I learned about sex at the age of 12–13 years, it was from our neighbour’s son. This guy (whom I will call ‘D’) was the most perverted friend I had ever had. We were in the same age group, of course. He came home that day, and he described sex to three of us in detail, only God knows where he learned it from at that age. He made the ‘bold’ statement that every one of us, including myself, was conceived and born through sex. Sex sounds so irritable to me at the time and I retorted by saying ‘’I was not conceived nor born through sex’’, considering the fact that my dad was a pastor and my mum was a chorister. They were too holy to do such an irritable thing 😂😂😂. However, you cannot take one thing away despite how irritable the information was to me at the time, a seed had been sown and it can only quicken my curiosity if watered.
Shortly after, I started experiencing puberty, and of course, I had many questions. All the information I had was what we were taught in Integrated Science: that at a certain age, hair would grow in certain areas of my body and for the female hair in combination with certain hormonal growth. I had further questions about my rod rising anyhow and at any time or what was happening to my body when a lady touches me at any moment. I had no information about sex drives. D, I, and a few other friends formed a clique, and we would go to parties, visit friends, and invite ladies over. These things happen when our parents were not around. My first kiss happened at a birthday party right in our house, it was a public kiss. You know they were games we played at parties, and when you fail to do certain things, you pick an activity to entertain people. The most conservative I could pick then was a kiss with a lady that was close to me. We kissed and I wanted to have that feeling again and of course, my rod responded.
As a teenager, I had my first sex. Of course, I loved what I experienced. I was cautious about attending more parties because of my parents, so I was seemingly the best-behaved guy in the clique. We had a neighbour then, C, to whom all the young guns in the house were close. He had Play Station games and we played them for free. Sometimes, I would go into his room and the first sight that would greet me was a blue movie. Before I passed the Teenager phase, my sex drive had turned me into a prowling boy looking for where to dispense the energy. It was what drove me to be gay at some point. This guy, M, and I connected in a strange way, we never spoke to each other about what we wanted, we just got on with the act. To me, it never mattered if it was a boy or a lady, the sex drive must be satisfied. So, give it the name you want.
It was as if everything around me was coordinated. I had another ‘’big brother’’, K, then, who was showing me out to do exploits in that world. I went on to have multiple girlfriends at the time, all in a bid to satisfy a sexual urge. All this while, I was the most behaved boy in the church. I was doing fantastically well, winning prizes in exams and competitions in our church and beyond the shores of our local assembly. I was a pastor’s son, so, I must not be found wanting in the religious circle. I was everywhere, I was the star boy in the children’s and teenagers’ department. In fact, I became a Children and Sunday School teacher before I could hit 17 years old, I was that sound and bright but it was a double life. K trained me well, and I listened keenly, I had increased sexual activity during my stint with him. It was when I became gay too.
I was never preached to by anyone, His mercy kept calling me and drawing me in. He never gave up on me. My very first encounter with the Holy Spirit was in 2011, I was at Akungba Akoko for an exam. On the eve of my papers, I had a conversation with a guy at the lodge generally about music and the conversation finished around 11 pm. The moment I entered the room I was lodged, I could not sleep. At a point, I started shaking and crying, I cried so much, we were 4–5 in that room and nobody had an idea what was going on with me, they were fast asleep. By the time that moment was over, I deleted everything on my mobile device that connected me to the world and its desires; music, videos, people and friends. It was a drastic and strange change. I lost the desire for sex, the desire for strange music, videos and content. I never went back again. All the girlfriends disappeared on their own accord too.
This is what younger folks are exposed to if you leave them to chance and life to teach them certain things. So, be their best friend, not their best friend because you want to control them but their best friend because you are their friend. If you are not a friend with them now, you may never get the chance in their lives again, the probability is almost zero except for God. Tell them what they need to know per time and guide their hearts. Do not let their friends tell them that if you do not have sex, your br**st will not be big, your b*m will not come out, you will have a lot of pimples, s***m nourishes your body, especially when you drink it or you will frequently experience stomach upset. You cannot imagine the nonsense flying around among young people.
Meno Heritage Generation Children and Teenagers meet every weekend, our kids and teens pray in tongues together and read the Bible out loud. If you want your child or ward to be part of us, kindly send me a DM.
We have a burning and shining ministry that read the bible and prays in tongues daily, join us on Telegram:
If you have a prayer request, kindly send me DM or WhatsApp: +234 803 771 4863
If your reality is just like the double life I described, Jesus is not judging you, and I will never judge you. He is so loving, merciful, and patient, this is why He asked me to write this to you. Send me a DM